Southern Cross
Seafood Deli

We take great care in sourcing our fish and finding out how it was caught and looked after at sea assuring that we bring the best quality fish available to market

Enjoy a Taste
of the Sea

We supply homes & restaurants with ethically sourced fresh fish and seafood.


Try one of our Southern Cross Seafood recipes from our recipe section.

We take great care in sourcing our fish and finding out how it was caught and looked after at sea assuring that we bring the best quality fish available to the market
Online Store coming soon

Some of our popular products

Dry aged fish

All fish contains a chemical known as trimethylamine-N-oxide (TMAO), when a fish is killed and exposed to fresh water and oxygen this chemical is broken down into different ammonias which give fish a fishy smell and taste.

The process of dry aging and dry handling prevents TMAO from being broken down into ammonias. This eradicates fishiness and allows the natural flavours of the fish to become more prominent, ultimately resulting in a firmer & more flavoursome piece of fish.

In my opinion I am convinced that dry aged fish is in actual fact far superior to fresh fish.

Please feel free to phone and enquire about this phenomenal product.

Fillet options

Whole – Only recommended to those who know how to fillet their own fish or are interested in learning how to fillet

Butterflied – A butterflied fish is a special technique of cutting a whole fish where by the fish is opened up and both fillets stay connected with the head intact. Essentially the spine is removed, this is best suited for the Braai (BBQ).

Filleted – A round fish has 2 sides which are known as fillets. These fillets can vary in weight, dependent on the size of the fish. It’s best to phone and enquire about the size of fish or fillets before ordering them.

Portions – A standard size of fish which most people are accustom to receiving at a restaurant. The standard portion is between 250g and 300g. Portions are cut from fillets. There are generally +/- 4 Portions per kg.

  • Only fresh
  • Convenient vacuum
  • Professional
    fish filleting
Southern Cross has always prided itself on the freshness and the extremely high quality fish delivered to you by our own delivery vehicles allowing us to maintain the cold chain from boat to door.


tons of seafood every month


types of sea products